Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Short on-line films on Transition Towns

I just found a link to these two short (8 mins and 7 mins) films about Transition Towns.

On Tuesday we attended a meeting of ECOGS (East Cheshire Organic Gardeners) in Macc. We have quite a lot of shared ambitions and we have agreed to host a web page for them listing their interesting programme of talks and visits.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Abbrieviated Canalside FM Interview

Although the programme lasted an hour and a half, you can hear what was said in this 30minute edited version.
The sound has lost some quality because it has been compressed down into a 7.5Mb MP3 download.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Radio Interview

Tuesday 5th Jan
Canalside Radio chatted to Deb about Food4Macc for a total of about 30 minutes during Sandy's Afternoon Show.