Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Cheshire Life Press Coverage

Food4Macc Direct has a long mention in an article in Cheshire Life this month about the diversification of Ladderstile Farm by Peter and Rose Brocklehurst.

Read the article

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Transition Macclesfield Starts Moving

The Romero Centre at All Hallows Catholic College provided the venue for the second Transition Town meeting sponsored by Food4Macc on 19th of January

We agreed on the name Macc2020 for the Transition group, outlined our ambitions, and agreed to meet again on Wednesday 23rd February (venue tba).

We have set up an embrionic website www.Macc2020.org

The group is now trying to establish what sustainability initiatives are already in place in Macclesfield and hoping to gather more interested people to help with the project.