Saturday, 12 November 2011

Heritage Walk Site Work

A HUGE thank you to all members of Food4Macc who have helped prepare the site at Heritage Walk and the Triangle on Churchhill Way.
This very special area in town has become a haven of peace and beauty since begun by energetic, inspired visionaries of the Macclesfield Guild and the Parks Department.
On Saturday morning the work was much enhanced by the Wildlife Explorer groups of our local RSPB group.
It was wonderful to see the youngsters so engaged in the many tasks completed by them with such enthusiasm under the equally enthusiastic leaders and volunteers.
Thank you very much RSPB Wildlife Explorers for your hard work!!! And thank you every one who supplied donations of plants and items for the insect hotels.
You can see more pictures of this work on the RSPB Wildlife Explorers website

We are also grateful to The Woodland Trust for providing trees for planting, and to Topps Tiles for supplying pallets and offering safe storage of our equipment.